Friday, February 17, 2017

February 2017 Spiced Garbanzos & sauteed onions+peppers

Our Second Separate Joint Event
Feb 17th  Chicago and Oakland 
Our plan was/is to put the recipes at the top, followed by the cheerful banter. 
In this case, we link to the chickpeas because of their low final grade (graded M for "meh"); - the peppers and onions, however, were delicious, but need no instructions- just saute in olive oil.
Chorizo-Spiced Chickpeas  
with Sauteed Peppers and Onions
Recipe is from

         In Chicago
the chickpeas and vegetables were served up together as a kind of side dish; there was also asparagus and macaroni and cheese, the latter so the kids would have something they would eat...

 Da Veggies cooking first...(in Chicago, I didn't brown the onions).
[Carel: I let the onions brown so the peppers would get nicely soft. Very happy :)].
and Da Chickpeas, prepared the night before... appearance better than flavor.
 So we had a nice dinner party... Brisa even ate a half asparagus spear! Big progesss on the veggie front.  
Not sure the chickpea dish is worth trying again, though I'll eat the leftovers...  Seems to be the same as the judgment from Oakland. 

Here's the Skype connection to Oakland. 
That's Oakland (in the small upper right window) looking at Chicago (on the main screen)...

            In Oakland,
  everything was part of the make-yourself-a-burrito spread:  chickpeas, sauteed red peppers & onions, cheeses, avocado, mushrooms, lettuce, broccoli roasted with tahini, cilantro, corn-relish, yogurt, rice, and Rumeli's amazing black beans with "garlic, & cinnamon & ask"; --and big, floppy tortillas, warmed on the comal..

When I asked Dreese to light the Shabbat Candles, he said:  
                                    "I get the honor???"

an open-face burrito without the tortilla...... :)
The Tahini Broccoli, right out of the oven, was sooo satisfying.    It should be added to the hummus-in-pide sandwich tradition,  but on the side for Fred-types who don't like Tahini.  (what????)


CAREL: I loved the Skype call with Chicago!  Next time,  Fred, could you also give us a Skype call when my kids are here?  I find myself too busy Betty-Crockering to remember to call you.   Or, was it the wine... 

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